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Do you ever get jealous of a butterfly?
How does it just know what it needs to do? “Ima eat all these leaves, make an encasement around myself, turn to goo, and BOOM butterfly. Life complete.”
Trust the Magic of Your Intuition
This is a friendly reminder to trust your instincts. Your intuition is powerful. Don’t ignore her.
PSA: Mental health struggles do NOT discredit your spirituality.
Just because you struggle with your mental health it does NOT make you a bad religion-ist.
Affirmations in the midst of anxiety
In my journey of self-care and healing one of the most important things that helps me keep a positive mindset is daily affirmations.
It's One of Those Days
YOU know the days I mean.
You wake up at 5am, still tired and sleepy, but your brain just has other ideas.
Time to Heal and find Peace
What do you need to do to heal? You know that’s what Momma Earth is doing right? Healing. Find your peace. The universe will always provide.