Time to Heal and find Peace

Umstead Park Fall of 2015

In case you forgot, it’s April 22, 2020.

Also known as Earth Day.

Today marks one year, to the day, since my husband and I landed on Hawaii for our next big adventure. One of the things I miss most about North Carolina, other than family and friends, is Umstead Park. I grew up hiking the trails there and continued to find sanctuary in those trees until we moved.  

Umstead is nothing fancy, no redwoods, no crazy waterfalls, just wooded hiking trails in the middle of a city.  

There was this little wooded cove off the trail, right on the edge of a lake and as an adult if I was feeling particularly stressed or anxious, that’s where I would go.

Even in the dead of winter when the trees were bare, or in the middle of a torrential downpour getting soaked to the bone there was something so peaceful and serene about that spot.

Sometimes I brought a book, sometimes I just sat in the quiet and took in all of the life around me. 

When I needed calm, and rest, Umstead was my haven.

It is SO important to rest. 

I don’t mean just sitting on the couch watching TV, the resting I mean is much more than that. It’s about finding your peace. Finding a calmness and serenity in the day-to-day.

How many times do you pick your phone up in a day?

I have a screen-time tracker on my phone and apparently last week I averaged 77 pickups per day. That means while I was awake, I checked my phone literally every ten minutes. 

Technology is an amazing invention that makes so many things better, except finding peace. 

As much as you don’t want to believe it, the world will go on if you don’t check your phone constantly. I know, shocking right?

Put your phone down and do something. Anything. 

Yoga, plank, light a candle, meditate, make cookies, fix dinner, call someone, play in the dirt, organize a drawer or closet, write, create. 

Just DO something. 

Find your peace.

Take this time to look deep. What has your life been missing?

What do you need to do to heal?

You know what Momma Earth is doing right now? Healing. 

Humans as a whole have so concerned about doing things faster, cheaper, and “better” than the “other guy” and it has been taking its toll on this beautiful planet we call home. 

For decades people have been trying to make changes on their own but without big corporations and countries as a whole getting on board it just hasn’t been enough. 

So, Momma Earth did what mother’s do when their kids are unruly and causing trouble. She put humans in timeout. 

I know this is a stressful time, but I beg of you, change your mindset.

We are home to let the Earth HEAL.

Let YOURSELF heal.

Take this opportunity to realize what really matters.

Find your peace.

The Universe will always provide.

I appreciate your support and am so thankful to have you here!

Don't forget to keep an eye on my Etsy shop and Socials for updates and new products!

Love and Moonlight,



It's One of Those Days


Valentine's 2020