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As requested, a Life Update: Shocking, I'm still alive.
Apparently, since I have not given a life update for some time my state of "aliveness" is in question. Shocking news, I'm still alive.
What do you mean I need surgery....?
“What are you doing here? You’re so young!?” Exclaimed the surgeon as she walked into my room. ::inwardly rolling my eyes:: “yeah you’d wonder that wouldn’t you?”
Do you ever get jealous of a butterfly?
How does it just know what it needs to do? “Ima eat all these leaves, make an encasement around myself, turn to goo, and BOOM butterfly. Life complete.”
PSA: Mental health struggles do NOT discredit your spirituality.
Just because you struggle with your mental health it does NOT make you a bad religion-ist.
As an empath I have tried to avoid the negativity and fear going on in the world. This is not something I can simply hide out and wait to pass.