PSA: Mental health struggles do NOT discredit your spirituality.

Just another storm

Just because you struggle with your mental health (ie. Anxiety, depression, etc.) it does NOT make you a bad religion-ist (Is there a word for all inclusive religion believers?)

So many times people are struggling with their mental health only to be “encouraged” by the religious individuals in their lives (who mean nothing but good for them) saying that when they feel like that they turn to the Bible, or they pray, or remember how benevolent Jesus is. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Many times, when struggling, these statements roll off like water on a duck, even if you normally find comfort or solace in them. And then hearing those things, and them not helping, makes you feel like an insignificant religion-ist that isn’t good enough or your belief is not strong enough. Which is NOT the case.

There is no doubt in my mind that religion helps many people through tough times. But sometimes when someone is struggling they need encouragement to get out of their own head, not be made to feel insignificant (however unintentional) because they’re still struggling, even having their faith.

If Jesus was here do you think He would tell us “ehh yeah you’re struggling but just remember how great I am? Doesn’t that make it all better?” 

HECK NO. He would be with you. He would sit with you and not judge, be a shoulder to cry on, and listen to your worries and concerns. He would VALIDATE you, not sugar coat your struggles because “he’s such an awesome being and isn’t knowing that enough”. No, He knows that you’re human and would show grace and hold space for you.

Storm clouds parting in West Virginia

If you’re struggling, it’s ok. You’re not alone. There are so many things in this world that contribute to stress and anxiety that the majority of people will experience mental health burdens at some point during their life (whether they admit it or not). Eventually the storm clouds will break and the light will shine through, but until then, this does not make you any less of a person or a bad religion-ist in the least. Show yourself some grace. You’re doing the best you can and I’m proud of you.

You are a person. You are important. Your health is important, both mental and physical. You were brought here for a purpose. Take care of yourself and reach out for help. You are loved and needed in this world. <3

I appreciate your support and am so thankful to have you here!

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Love and Moonlight,



Trust the Magic of Your Intuition


Affirmations in the midst of anxiety