Trust the Magic of Your Intuition

Intuition is a gift.

This is a friendly reminder to trust your instincts.

Your intuition is powerful. Don’t ignore her.

YOU know what I mean. Those times when something just feels wrong so you avoid it and end up saving yourself hurt and pain? The times where you just KNOW without actually having any proof or evidence explaining how or why you know something? That’s her, intuition.

What causes it? That massive percentage of the human brain that we never use? Magic? Regardless of how it works, your subconscious knows more than you do.

Trust her.

I have always had strong intuition. It looks me years to recognize it for what it is. And I am still getting the hang of trusting her even when the evidence doesn’t point in the direction that she is guiding.

A few months ago I began a side job that seemed like a blessing but for some reason made me wary. Over the next few months I started sinking farther and farther into a deep and depressive hole. Constantly jumping or snapping at everything and feeling like the world was trying to swallow me whole.

I procrastinated everything, even the things that I WANTED to work on for myself. All I wanted to do was sleep, I was emotionally and mentally drained, (which took a toll on my physical health as well) and it felt like I had no purpose as nothing I did was ever good enough.

After a break from work due to illness and the hubby’s vacation time I dove back in. Apparently over that time off I started to improve but hadn’t realized it because it was so gradual day by day. That single day back at work broke me. I fell back into all of the mental, emotional, and physical ailments that I had been experiencing before, and I felt hopeless.

I spent the next morning debating and trying to convince myself that we would be fine without the extra income.  I started typing a resignation letter before I had fully made my decision but the longer I typed the better I felt.

The moment I fully made the decision to quit, all of my ailments disappeared. I was covered in a lightness and peace. What I thought was just side effects from being an empath in all of the craziness in the world right now was actually my intuition. She was screaming at me to wake up and make the right decision for myself.

I felt something nagging at me when I accepted the offer months ago but figured “hey, what’s the worst that could happen?” Let me tell you, your mental, emotional, physical, and psychological well being is NOT worth any job, no matter who you’re working for.

Yes, our budget will be tighter for the foreseeable future. But I am trusting my intuition, knowing that she is directing me on this pathway with purpose. Everything happens for a reason. And every lesson makes you stronger and wiser.

When you feel a tickle pushing you in a certain direction? Trust it. Your subconscious is powerful. Embrace your own intuition, she will guide you on your journey to your life's purpose.

I appreciate your support and am so thankful to have you here!

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Love and Moonlight,



Do you ever get jealous of a butterfly?


PSA: Mental health struggles do NOT discredit your spirituality.