It's One of Those Days

Favorite picture from Umstead Park

You know the days I mean.

You wake up at 5am, still tired and sleepy, but your brain just has other ideas. 

It rages and rants on everything from the stupid thing you said in 7th grade, to what could go wrong if you get sick, what if all of my money runs out, what am I going to do to keep the bills paid, what if what if what if?

You try to switch the focus of your thinking to a book you like, memories of your pets playing, or meditative breathing to bring the turmoil in your mind down and actually be able to sleep… nothing works.

That’s me this morning.

It’s unsettling.

It’s frustrating.

Having an overall feeling and sense of dread and unrest.

There’s no REASON for it. Sometimes it just happens.

I used to force myself to lay in bed, trying to fall back asleep until it was actually time to get up. 

But not today. 

Dear brain, you want to go nuts freaking out about everything that I don’t have control over?


You do you.

But I’m going to do me. 

I’m going to get up before the sun, make a cup of coffee, and distract myself from your ridiculous ranting inner monologue of stress.

Distract myself with the positive things in my life, no matter how small.

Because sometimes that’s all we can do.

A little misdirect of your attention until your brain realizes “ohhh I was being ridiculous again wasn’t I?”

Yes. Yes you were.

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Love and Moonlight,





Time to Heal and find Peace