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As requested, a Life Update: Shocking, I'm still alive.
Apparently, since I have not given a life update for some time my state of "aliveness" is in question. Shocking news, I'm still alive.
What do you mean I need surgery....?
“What are you doing here? You’re so young!?” Exclaimed the surgeon as she walked into my room. ::inwardly rolling my eyes:: “yeah you’d wonder that wouldn’t you?”
One Bowl - Easy Ramen Recipe
One of my absolute favorite things to make is fancied up ramen. It’s so spicy, and savory, and delicious.
Do you ever get jealous of a butterfly?
How does it just know what it needs to do? “Ima eat all these leaves, make an encasement around myself, turn to goo, and BOOM butterfly. Life complete.”
Trust the Magic of Your Intuition
This is a friendly reminder to trust your instincts. Your intuition is powerful. Don’t ignore her.