Post-Surgery Update

Lovely bouquet that my hubs got me after surgery

Welp… I’m alive.

I survived.

I normally try to be a super positive person but I have not been feeling myself since the surgery. I’m working very hard to not be negative about all of this which means I sit here indifferent about everything. For those of you who have been asking how I am. I’m okay.

I’m healing, I’m better than I was when I first came home from the hospital, but I’m still hurting way worse than I ever was before surgery. It’s frustrating and exhausting. I’m tired.

They didn’t give me much pain medication when I left the hospital. Tylenol and Ibuprofen don’t do anything. Yes, I’m aware strong pain meds take time to get out of your system. I haven’t taken any for almost a week, I’ve just been here, miserable.

I feel useless. I can’t do anything. Can’t lift anything. Moving hurts. Sitting hurts. Laying down hurts. I can’t stretch or stand up straight. I can’t lay on either side. I can’t bend over to pick things up off the floor. I have horrible stabbing pains even slightly bending to pet my sweet fur-babies.

As soon as one part starts to feel a bit better something else hurts. My back feels like it’s been beaten repeatedly with a baseball bat because of over-compensating for the incision pain.

The incision is 8-10 inches long and through all of my abdomen/core muscles which now don’t work properly. So not only is moving hard, breathing is hard. I already have asthma, so “hard to breathe” triggers anxiety, which makes it worse.

I have no idea how long the healing process will take. How long my muscles will need to stitch themselves back together.

All I’ve been told is “don’t lift more than 10 pounds for 6-8 weeks, and patients who move more recover faster.”I don’t feel like doing anything. Even if I wanted to I can barely do anything because of the pain and discomfort.It’s frustrating.

I’m not myself.

All I know is, both masses on my liver (and my gall bladder) were removed, they were non-cancerous and not pre-cancerous, all tests have come back normal, all of my pain is “normal”, and my liver is running at 100% (livers are weird).

I’m taking it day by day.

I know that my body needed this.

But I’m tired.

I just want to be better already.

Vibrant bouquet from my Aunt

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Love and Moonlight,



As requested, a Life Update: Shocking, I'm still alive.


What do you mean I need surgery....?