Valentine's 2020


“What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?!?!” 

Um… nothing…?

I’ll be honest, I didn’t tell Robert Happy Valentine’s day before he left for work. To be fair I’m not sure if either of us remembered it was a holiday that morning, it was a regular day just like any other. Who wakes up fully functional? Not us. 

Maybe thirty minutes before he was supposed to get home, I started working a plan for dinner. We had been eating a lot of steak lately, so I wanted to do something different and special. (Nothing like last minute planning haha)

Robert loves burgers. We even signed back up for Blue Apron when they did the Bob’s Burgers themed meals (totally worth it!) because of his love for burgers. We just happened to have patties and buns in the freezer (pro tip: it’s best to freeze bread of any kind ASAP in Hawaii, bread gets moldy SO FAST). I threw them in the oven to cook so he wouldn’t know what dinner was going to be when he walked in.

No burger is complete without sauce. I honestly think many times the sauce is what makes the burger over-the-top delicious. I threw together a concoction of mayo, ketchup, mustard, cream cheese, hot sauce, relish, AND our super special garlic chili sauce that we picked up in the Caribbean on our honeymoon. ::drool::

When my sweet husband came home, he had a little bouquet for me, a bag of chocolates for us, and a bag of mixed lettuce for all of our critters. We snuggled up to eat dinner while watching a few episodes of The Good Place. 

It was such a nice and cozy evening at the perfect speed to appreciate one another. And even better we spent maybe a total of $25, including all the supplies for our dinner. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be some huge affair that costs hundreds of dollars. It’s supposed to be about love. So why not step away from all of the extravagance and just appreciate the love.

I did not get a picture of our burgers, though they were delicious, but I did get our critters “enjoying” their veggies. I’m pretty sure Winston the guinea pig is the only one who didn’t turn his nose up at it though haha. What can I say, we have spoiled and picky children…

Pictured above in order are: Luna Freyja the Diva Lion-Head Bunny; Winston Chonkey Monkey the guinea pig, Reginald Archibald the red ear slider (ignoring his veggies) and our three fish Big Daddy (aka Paco), Lil' Mama, and Tiger. (Update on the pets: as of 2023 we only have Luna remaining)

I appreciate your support and am so thankful to have you here!

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Love and Moonlight,



Time to Heal and find Peace


Indoor Grilling...?