Can I have this when you die?

Mmmm coffee….

Can I have this when you die?

Kids say the darnedest things.

I was one of those kids that said whatever popped into my head without thinking. One of the things, that is still a running joke in my family, was “can I have this when you die?” Morbid right? ::shrugs:: I stick to the saying “the answer is always no if you never ask.”

Things I have asked for: jewelry, dishes, clothing, knives, furniture, a spatula... (random, I know) and more, including a coffee mug.

There are coffee people and there are other people. My mother is 100000% a coffee person. Every morning growing up I remember sleepy mom, snuggled up in her bathrobe, getting breakfast and lunches ready for all of us, no makeup on yet, but always with coffee in her hand.

She would wrap each of us in a massive bear hug with her lingering coffee breath, (I mean that in the most loving way possible ;)) before sending us on our way for the day.

Side note: if you ever meet my mom? HUG HER. She oozes so much love and positive energy in each of her hugs if we could bottle it up and send it to everyone across the globe we would achieve world peace. Not joking. They’re that good. Don’t believe me? Hug her and see. Believe me? Good, hug her and get some Momma Love to make your day better <3

Mom had this mug, I don’t know where it came from, but MAN I loved it. It was one of my favorite things, I always wanted to use it. So, of course it got added to the “Can I have this when you die?” list. One day mom decided I should have part of my inheritance early and gave it to me. 

THE mug <3

I have no idea why I love this mug so much, it is after all, just a mug. But every time I see it, it makes me smile and feel comforted. 

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Love and Moonlight,



The man with the beard...


Holidays away from home