But does it really work?

Curls without heat? Check!

You know when you see a product that looks really cool in theory but you're wary of buying it because who knows if it actually works or not?

Today, I’m here to tell you one of those products does in fact work.

Twist your hair around, bend and squeeze it shut, sleep on it overnight, and voila! Curly hair!!?

I purchased a set of these 7” Flexible Curling Rods  from Amazon a few months ago for under $15. The first time I did it my hair was too wet, so they didn’t hold very well, but I gave them another try yesterday. 

The lower set are the ones I used this time. They even came with a little case!

I used mostly smaller rods since my hair is decently short (for me anyway haha) but I’m sure with the larger ones it would achieve a looser wavy look. They were in my hair for around 12 hours and applied when it was slightly damp, no other product used.

Curlers in!

A little bumpy, but actually not too bad to sleep on

Sure, you look like a nut job in the process, but alas beauty is pain.

Right after removing the curlers

Oh man! Talk about curls!! It feels like I got a cheap, painless, chemical-free perm! 80’s ladies eat your hearts out! 

After floofing and separating it a bit

5 out of 5! Great and easy curling product!

A few hours later after it settled a bit.

What are some weird products you tried that actually worked?

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Love and Moonlight,



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