New Beginnings...

April 30, 2016: Our last first date

April 1, 2018: The proposal

January 19, 2019: Our wedding day

April 18, 2019: Our new beginning

Begin. How can such a small word bring so much anxiety? I blame standardized testing.

New beginning. So much unknown. Nothing familiar. New everything. All of the impending changes.

I am a chronic over-thinker and my mind historically tends to lean towards negativity. “Ugh what could go wrong?! What if —insert bad thing— happens? What if things aren’t the same as before?”

I am working every day to change this pattern and train my brain look at things ina positive light instead. “But what if — insert amazing thing— happens?! Whatif this is better than anything else you could have imagined? What if thisprepares you better for what’s coming in the future?” It’s a work in progress,but it’s one I diligently strive towards.

Recently my husband and I decided to move to Hawaii. In April we uprooted ourselves from our home in North Carolina to start a new life 5000+ miles and half a world away from everything and everyone I have ever known. Talk about a new beginning.

It takes time, and effort, but to realize that every single day, hour, minute is a NEW beginning and you can make it whatever you want is life changing. It’s a relief to know that you can start over whenever you want.

Don’t hold yourself to your old patterns. Break out of them and realize that who youwere yesterday does not have to be who you are today. Start making changes a little at a time to become the person you aspire to be.

Today is your new beginning. Embrace it.

I appreciate your support and am so thankful to have you here!

Don't forget to keep an eye on my Etsy shop and Socials for updates and new products!

Love and Moonlight,



Are we really doing this???