An Adventure Without a Home

I love routine. I love knowing what is going to happen, when, how, and with who. Hmm, what do you know, it’s almost like I like having a plan or something? ;) Being a Cancer I am all about my homey comforts. Ask around. Any of my friends will tell you if there’s one place I love being most it’s at home. (Generally, with no pants because come on, who needs pants when they’re at home?) Home is my safe place where I can be myself with my comforts around me. Pillows and blankets, plants and candles, incense and artwork, a quiet space away from other humans. Home = happiness.

Last view of our NC home before driving away

Day One, April 18th

Robert and I left North Carolina with only our car, suitcases, and bunny to start our road trip across the country. The first day we made it through North Carolina and Tennessee to stay in the crappiest hotel just inside the border of Arkansas.

Dinner at Abuelo’s Mexican Restaurant

Day Two, April 19th

Our three-month anniversary, we drove through Arkansas, Oklahoma and part of Texas where we stopped at Abuelo’s Mexican Restaurant for a delicious dinner to celebrate. If you’re ever near Amarillo, TX it’s worth a visit; the tomatillo and pineapple salsa was to die for.

Grand Canyon <3

Day Three, April 20th

We finished driving through Texas, made it through New Mexico, and had a pit stop in Arizona (slightly off our route) to see the Grand Canyon. I mean come on… when it’s only 2 hours off the main route? It’s a necessity. And was totally worth it. Pictures do not do it justice by any means.

Famous Feets!

Day Four, April 21st

We finished driving through Arizona and made it to California where one of Robert’s Marine buddies was an absolute angel and hosted us. Not only did he and his sweet girlfriend let us crash at their place, they took us to see Hollywood Boulevard, the airport in the morning, and he delivered our car to the shipping dock after dropping us off. For some reason they won’t let you check your car as baggage on a flight. ;)

We fell asleep as soon as we got to the Airbnb, with all of the lights on and everything

Day Five, April 22nd

We made it to Hawaii with the bunny! (You have no idea what a stressor she was in all of this) And rented a car, and miraculously found an Airbnb for our first few days here. Temporary relief.

While the place we were staying wasn't the best, it did have some beautiful views

Day 70, June 26th

Through this date absolutely everything was in limbo. The place we were staying in Waikiki was not the best (I’ll probably go into that at a later date). We didn’t know if we were going to be able to find a place to purchase before our time at the Airbnb ran out or if we were going to need to hunt to find a place to rent, that was pet-friendly and had included parking, nothing was certain.

On our way to the closing appointment for our condo!

Day 71, June 27th

After negotiations and a few delays we received the keys after closing on our “new to us” condo.

"Ugh, mom... trapped in this prison AGAIN?!? How much longer??"

- Luna Freyja

Day 76, July 2nd

We officially move out of Waikiki into our condo.

All of our stuff FINALLY arrived!

Day 119, August 14th

All of our belongings shipped from NC were finally delivered. And our new kitchen cabinets, (which are still not installed) all at the exact same time.

76 days. Over two and a half months. That’s how long we went without officially having a home to call our own.

119 days, almost four full months is how long we went living with just what we brought in our suitcases.

It may not seem like a long time. And in the grand scheme of things it’s not. But it really takes a toll on a person to live out of a suitcase with the bare minimum. Everything felt temporary, like it would change at the drop of a hat. I felt off, and unsettled, most of the time. Was it an adventure? You had better believe it, and not always a good one. But looking back on that time now, just a few months later, it really makes both of us appreciate what we have.

One of my favorites of Robert and my engagement photos <3

Courtesy of Bekah Leanne Photography

Without really having a home for months I thought I would have struggled more than I did. But now I am realizing my husband is my home, he is my safe place and comfort. ::barf sounds:: So sappy it makes you sick right? But it’s true. He gets me, and supports me, and loves me even though I’m crazy sometimes (ok, a lot of the time). I am so thankful for him and know that I would not have gone on this adventure with anyone else. He pushes me to new horizons and, even though it makes me panic to be out of my cozy comfort zone, it’s worth it to do this thing called life with him.

My absolute favorite picture from our engagement session <333

Courtesy of Bekah Leanne Photography

I appreciate your support and am so thankful to have you here!

Don't forget to keep an eye on my Etsy shop and Socials for updates and new products!

Love and Moonlight,



Life’s Not Always Sunshine and Rainbows


Are we really doing this???